Évènements en juillet 2024

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International conference : Queerness and Gender Diversity in/to Migrations: Norms, Discourses and Control Mechanisms

26 avril / 8h30 19h00

The international conference Queerness and Gender Diversity in/to Migration: Norms, Discourses and Control Mechanisms aims to explore the impact of surveillance on the production of sexualities during migration processes.
Full programme : https://conferencequeermigration.my.canva.site/ifea

The event is organized by :

  • Baida Tachfine, PhD candidate in Political Science at the Laboratory Les Afriques du Mondes (LAM) at Sciences Po Bordeaux. He works on issues of sexual diversity and gender identity in the law of Maghreb states.
  • Öykü Aytaçoğlu, PhD candidate in gender studies at the Department of Sociology, at the University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis. She is affiliated to the Center for Sociological and Political Research in Paris (CRESPPA), to the Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology (IDEAS) in Aix-en-Provence, and to the French Institute for Anatolian Studies (IFEA) in Istanbul.
  • Marien Gouyon, Obtained his PhD in social anthropology from the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) in 2015.

And the Migrations & Mobilities axis (aMiMo) of the French Institute for Anatolian Studies (IFEA). It will focus on three themes: the exercise of surveillance, circumvention of surveillance, and effects of surveillance.

The conference will take place in İstanbul, Türkiye.