Jackson KAGO


Membres associé.e.s Docteur en géographie



Aires géographiques


Research interest : urban and regional planning, Metropolitan Development, Urban-Rural Linkages, Slum upgrading, urban crime prevention


Thesis title / Intitulé de la thèse :

Mobility Patterns in Small and Intermediate towns and their Impact on Urban Rural Linkages : A focus on the milk value chain.

– Dir. B. Calas – Co-dir. Dr. P. Kamau (Kenyatta University)


Mr. Jackson Kago, a Kenyan national, and a founding chairman and lecturer in the Department of Spatial and Environmental Planning, School of Architecture and Built Environment Kenyatta University. He is an urban research and has researched widely including with the Regional & Metropolitan Planning Unit (RMPU), Urban Planning and Design Branch, UN-Habitat, working on the thematic areas of urban-rural linkages, systems of cities, metropolitan and regional planning.


He holds two masters degrees: one in Architecture from the University of Rome ‘Sapienza’ -Italy, and another one in Urban & Regional Planning from the University of Nairobi, Kenya where he also graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture. He is currently pursuing a PhD in at the Université de Bordeaux Montaigne attached to the research unit LAM – Les Afriques dans le Monde.


Jackson has also worked with the Italian Embassy Development Cooperation (2008-2013) in the Kenya-Italy Debt for Development Programme as a Technical Assistant supporting the Korogocho Slum Upgrading Programme based at the Ministry of Local Government. He has also worked for UN-Habitat in the past between 2004-2007 as a consultant for the Safer Cities Programme, UN-Habitat after successfully completing his internship.


Academic Qualifications

  • 2013: Masters in Architecture – University Of Rome ‘Sapienza’
  • 2007-2009: Masters in Urban & Regional Planning – University Of Nairobi
  • 1999-2005: Bachelor of Architecture – University of Nairobi


Publications, Papers and Journal Articles

  • Sietchiping Remy, and Jackson Kago. “The Role of Urban Rural Linkages in
    Feeding the City: A Case of Nairobi” International Journal of Scientific Research
    and Innovative Technology ISSN: 2313-3759 Vol. 4 No. 10; October 2017. pp 80-
  • Sietchiping Remy, and Jackson Kago. « The Role of Urban-Rural Linkages in
    enhancing Sustainable Urbanization in Small Islands States. » Sustainable Urban
    Development–The Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality” 2016; pp 45-59.
  • Sietchiping Remy, Jackson Kago, Xing Quan Zhang, Clarissa Augustinus, and Raf
    Tuts Urban-Rural Linkages and the Role of Land Tenure. Paper prepared for
    presentation at the “2015 World Bank Conference on Land And Poverty” The
    World Bank – Washington DC, March 23-27, 2015
  • Dr. P.K. Kamau and Jackson Kago “Introduction To Concepts & Issues Of Regional
    Development Planning” a paper prepared for the UN-Habitat/ AICAD, Sustainable
    Urban Development and Management Course for Mid Career Planners and
    County Officers in Kenya, 09- 14 November, 2015, AICAD Juja, Kenya.
  • Jackson Kago “Background Paper on Metropolitan Planning” for the Global
    Expert Group Meeting the Role of Metropolitan Development in Supporting the
    New Urban Agenda held in Guadalajara, Mexico, 03-04 December 2015
  • Remy Sietchiping, Jackson Kago, Xing Quan Zhang, Jane Reid, and Raf Tuts “The
    Role of Small and Intermediate Towns in Enhancing Urban-Rural Linkages for
    Sustainable Urbanization” in the “Regional Development Dialogue Vol. 35 on
    Urban-Rural Linkages in Support of the New Urban Agenda. 2014; pp. 48-63.
  • Remy Sietchiping, Jackson Kago, Xing Quan Zhang, Clarissa Augustinus, and Raf
    Tuts “Role of Urban–Rural Linkages in Promoting Sustainable Urbanization”
    Environment and Urbanization Asia, September 2014; vol. 5, 2: pp. 219-234.


Book Chapters

  • Bartke, S., Forster, T., Githiri, G., Jering, A., Kago, J., Schlimmer, S., & Sietchiping,
    R. The UN-Habitat Urban-Rural Linkages Guiding Principles: Assessment of the
    Adoptability to Topical Land Management Challenges in Germany, Kenya and
    Tanzania. International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy 2019, 369.
  • Kago, J., Loose, S., & Sietchiping, R. (2019). Implementing the New Urban
    Agenda: Urban and Territorial Integration Approaches in Support of Urban Food
    Systems. In International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy 2018 (pp. 271-293).
    Springer, Cham.


Contribution in Publications

  • Jackson Kago and Arthur Nganga (2021) «Rural Urbanization / Industrialization:
    Ensuring Efficient Spatial Flows » in Compendium of Inspiring Practices on UrbanRural Linkages: Implementing of Guiding Principles and Framework for Action to Advance Integrated Territorial Development (2nd Edition). UN-HABITAT
  • UN-Habitat. Urban-Rural Linkages: Guiding Principles Framework for Action to
    Advance Integrated Territorial Development, 2019
  • UN-Habitat. Implementing the new Urban Agenda by strengthening Urban-Rural
    Linkages, 2017
  • FAO. Urbanization, Rural Transformation and Implications for Food Security –
    Online consultation on the background document to the CFS Forum. 2016
  • UN-Habitat. World Cities Report: Urbanization and Development: Emerging
    Futures, 2016.
  • UN Task force on preparation of Issue Paper on Urban – Rural Linkages, 2015.
  • UN-Habitat. UN-Habitat County Engagement Framework For Kenya: Existing
    Planning Model, Gaps and Opportunities for Engagement, 2015
  • Cahiers d’Afrique de l’Est N°44: Slum Upgrading Programmes in Nairobi.
    Challenges in Implementation, 2011
  • UN-Habitat. Korogocho Situation Analysis: A snapshot. 2010



  • 2015-05-11 to present  : Mr (Urban and Regional Planning, School of Architecture and the Built Environment) at Kenyatta University


Community Work and Volunteer Experience

  • Member (2016 – to present) of the Board of Management P.C.E.A Kanjai Secondary
  • Chairman (2012 – 2016) of the Board of Governors P.C.E.A Kanjai Secondary
  • Member (2009- 2012) of Board of Governors P.C.E.A Kanjai Secondary School


Administrative Duties

  • Chairman (2016-2021), Department of Urban and Regional Planning. School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Kenyatta University


Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=nEab1LYAAAAJ&hl=en

ORCID ID :  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0295-3580

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